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15,000+ THREADS
We have over 15,000 threads, and over 100,000 posts.
Ranging from $10 - $150,000 for popular products such as laptops, phones, graphic cards, etc..
We are an exclusive private application only community who cater to the art of social engineering and warranty exploits.
We are on a mission to always improve our private social engineering community, be it in quality, or growth of the forum.
We are looking for applicants who are experienced in social engineering, preferably adults as we want mature members.
We are accepting applications for high quality individuals who wish to join our community.
To join us, you must be able to make your own methods.
You start off your journey at the regular tier where you get access to over 100 pages of methods ranging from $125 - $250. Afterwards follow our tier system to get access to higher priced methods.
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